Letters | Dec. 1, 2021


A distinction without a difference in daily life

“MoCo redistricting map to divide Orthodox Kemp Mill community” (Nov. 25) raised some issues that need clarification. Having served on the Montgomery County Redistricting Commission, I would like to point out that the proposed Council District changes will have no impact on the daily lives of the residents of Kemp Mill. It makes no changes to school districts, police areas, shopping, fire safety, etc. The reality is that the changes will give the active Kemp Mill community two Council members to lobby.

The bottom line is that the new district alignments will only help all of Montgomery function better as a whole. It is racially and ethnically balanced as possible.


The best defense is a good assault-style weapon

Rabbi Charles Arian bemoans the lives of two men shot [and killed] in Kenosha, Wis., by Kyle Rittenhouse (“Why would he go for a run on Yom Kippur?” Opinion, Nov. 25). Rittenhouse was acquitted of murder because he was threatened and defended his life, not over whether he should have been there or not. Here’s the argument: Regardless of circumstances, defend yourself. Don’t debate it.


Give ‘Morrie’ a break

Regarding “Aphorisms come fast and furious in ‘Tuesdays With Morrie’ at Theater J” (Arts & Culture, Nov. 18):

We live in a time when millions of Americans are leaving their jobs and reassessing their career paths. Whole industries are being disrupted. Wages in many areas are increasing, but that is not enough to persuade workers to return to jobs they do not consider fulfilling. Your critic correctly identifies “learning how to live” as one of the central themes of the play, yet amazingly criticizes Theater J for not offering a play dealing with one of the “tough issues of the day.”

The pandemic gave those millions the time for learning how they want to live. My issue is not whether your critic liked this production. Others have, she did not. That’s fine. The issue is not understanding how timely and relevant “Tuesdays with Morrie” is in today’s America. To suggest that a theater should not explore such a significant issue to come out of the pandemic does a great disservice to the theater and to your readers.
Washington, D.C.


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